MSMC提供了经过深思熟虑和特别准备的环境,旨在促进学术,身体和心理发展。我们知道,孩子们会通过运用所有的感官来最好地学习,因此精心设计的蒙台梭利材料可以满足孩子对感觉,看到,听到,闻到和品尝到的需求。在我们的混合年龄教室中,孩子们可以按照自己的节奏自由工作,在蒙特梭利老师的带领下进行小组协作。我们会密切注意每个孩子的需求和兴趣。每个孩子都根据自己的自然节奏发展。孩子们无需外部增援即可学习和获得“内部纪律”。 在每个级别,我们的程序都包含以下内容: MSMC Casa Program (for Ages 3 to 6 years old). The Casa program is a 3-year program where children are engaged and explored in activities in Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, Math, and Culture (including History, Geography, and Science. In our mixed-age classrooms, children are free to work at their own pace. First Year (3 years old) Children in Casa The children will focus on the Practical Life area to develop essential life skills, independence, confidence, and concentration. The Sensorial area is to refine the children’s five senses in preparation for later advanced academic discoveries. Second Year (4 Years Old) Children in Casa Children in their second year will start learning Language, Math, and Culture. They will be introduced to reading and writing skills. In Math, they will learn the numerals and symbols where they start to internalize the materials instead of memorization. Besides, they will also know more about the world around them. Third Year (5 to 6 years old) (Kindergarten Casa program) The third year is the most remarkable milestone. The first two years of the Casa program have prepared the child with a rock-solid foundation of learning. This preparation made a more significant jump in their learning progress. The children will internalize their knowledge and start to discover the connections.